• What do you want?

    "Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure" - Confucious

  • Who I am.

    Professional executive coach. Experienced in providing collaborative, individualised, one-to-one coaching and team coaching. This is NOT technical guidance, career counselling, or training, which is why it transfers to all professions and works for all individuals.

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    What I bring.

    Experience, knowledge, and understanding.

    Experience from years of coaching CEOs, directors, ‘heads of’, leadership teams, and entrepreneurs. Also, over 15 years of being a criminal solicitor, so I have personal experience of how difficult it can be to balance high-performance and high-pressure work demands, with resilience, happiness, and fulfillment.


    Knowledge from my MSc in Personalised Nutrition as to how our physiology and biochemistry impact our health, resilience, and ability to feel and perform at our best. I also know how to effectively communicate this knowledge through having taught and lectured in nutrition at both BSc and MSc level to students.


    Understanding from my training as a coach. Both in Neurolinguistic Programming (positive psychology techniques) and from my ILM Level 7 (MSc level) in Executive Coaching. I have vast experience and understanding of various models of coaching, as well as tools and techniques to help facilitate change.

  • How this helps you.

    Effective work relationships.

    The skill and ability to:

    • maintain an open mindset to enable proactive flexible thinking when working with others.
    • respond in alignment with your purpose, authentically building and strengthening work relationships positively.  
    • maintain clarity to effectively listen and communicate, to motivate and support others.

    Increased confidence.

    The skill and ability to:

    • maintain your confidence and poise to effectively perform no matter the circumstances.
    • respond positively to unexpected occurrences, adversity, and challenges, and welcome them as opportunities. 
    • present your best professional self to advance both yourself and your work. 

    Increased resilience.

    The skill and ability to:

    • implement a successful work/life balance to ensure consistent high performance.
    • utilise emotions to your advantage, both in generating positive ones and recovering quickly from negative ones.
    • feel able to handle anything that may happen, preventing burnout and overwhelm.

    A united body and mind.

    The awareness and ability to:

    • ensure your body and mind are working with and for you, instead of against you.
    • bounce back after physical challenges and stressors to enable continued focus and performance.
    • decrease distractions and fatigue to enable smarter fully engaged working.

    Goals for success.

    The awareness and ability to:

    • effectively set goals that fulfill you personally and professionally.
    • cultivate flexible and agile thinking in making positive proactive decisions irrespective of circumstance.
    • consistently achieve what you set out to achieve with full motivation and commitment.

    Overcome imposter syndrome.

    The awareness and ability to:
    • align your actions and behaviour to your core principles and be fearlessly guided by them.
    • be free of unhelpful thoughts to enable utilisation of more positive and effective beliefs that support you.
    • know your own worth and be confident in your abilities.
  • The Options.

    Risk free start.

    Free powerful 90 minute coaching conversation online for us both to assess whether I am the right coach for you and for you to experience firsthand what coaching has to offer.


    In this 90 minutes, there will be no 'sales' talk - it will all be about you, focused exclusively on what you want and need.


    Click the 'Book Here' button below (or to the left) to see my current availability.


    Remember, every pro has a coach (yes that includes me) and now you can too.

    Tailored coaching packages.

    We will together create the package that is right for you and your goals.


    Typically a package will be for 6 months or 12 months to ensure you have sufficient support as you progress, and deal with any unhelpful limiting issues as they arise.


    Ultimately, we will agree on what would serve you best. How best we can utilise that safe supportive space of coaching to explore your thinking to reduce and remove unhelpful aspects that are holding you back whilst exploring, creating, and actioning plans to make progressing with confidence easy.


    Areas of key focus are purpose, drive, choice, values, beliefs, communication, perspectives, confidence, resilience, and actions.

    Intensive 1:1 4 hour deep dive.

    Want answers now?


    This option allows us to explore wide, delve deep, and narrow down to uncover what is needed.


    We would typically start at 10am until 12:30/1pm, before taking an hour for lunch (not included in the time) during which I encourage plenty of fluids, some wholefoods, meditation, and/or a walk. We then return at 1:30/2pm to finish at 3pm.


    Please note that this level of increasing awareness and utilising emotions to heighten understanding, whilst being very effective in removing limiting barriers and identifying choices and actions, is psychologically intensive.


    Pen and paper are a must.


    Please email me to arrange a 30 minute free conversation for us to assess if this is the right choice for you.

    Leadership Coaching.

    Capitalise on the investment of any Leadership Development Training through aligned 1:1 coaching to promote maximum return.


    I also currently offer a Professional Development Programme for leadership teams focused on six key areas:

    1. Leading from Resilience
    2. The Key to Motivation and Motivating
    3. Food for Focus
    4. Outperform Imposter Syndrome and Perfectionism
    5. Best Self for Best Results (including Easy Access Confidence)
    6. Goals for Ensuring Success

    Each start with a 45 minute live group webinar followed by a 60 minute 1:1 coaching session with each attendee to focus on the individual's identified 'pain points' and areas they wish to improve to facilitate immediate change.


    Prices vary depending on participant number, duration, and location. Please get in touch to discuss.

  • Contact. Book here.

    The first consultation is free so please feel free to book yourself in. Alternatively, send me an email. Tell me a little about what you want. I will respond via email or if you request a call please provide your number and best contact times, and I can give you a call as soon as I become free within those.

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  • Testimonials.

    A taste...

    “Rachel is a fantastic coach. she has a natural ability to gently guide you to the answers you're looking for… she has helped me to manage my team more effectively and with confidence thus increasing not only the productivity of the team but also very importantly staff morale. On a personal note, she has also used her coaching skills, of which they are many, to increase my own motivation and help me move me from feeling stuck and constrained to empowered and inspired!”

    - CB (Head of Sales & Customer Experience)

    “I really enjoy my sessions with Rachel as she asks questions that help me think of and talk about solutions that I would not have thought of so easily on my own. She is a great listener and I feel I'm in a safe space to explore my thoughts and ideas. I come out of a session feeling like I can actually take action to move forward rather than procrastinating or just thinking superficially about an issue or idea.”

    - MW (Entrepreneur)

    “I had a problem that had become significant in my life. I was going around in circles, unable to either find an answer or let it go. In an hour, Rachel helped me to gain clarity. It was as though a weight had been lifted off me. By the next day I realised I had moved on completely. I absolutely recommend working with Rachel, and trust she will guide you where you need to go.”

    - JS (Small business owner)

    Rachel really helped me gain clarity, by asking thought provoking questions, taking me to the heart of the matter. I could trust her and when I felt emotional she held the space and waited for me. Rachel chose appropriate techniques to help me move forward and make decisions."

    - HB (Entrepreneur)

    “Rachel brings an amazing personal touch to her coaching, not only was she always ready with just the right question, or tool to enable me to work through any particular challenge, but she also exudes a powerful mix of quiet, calm confidence and gentle encouragement. She also dropped in the perfect amount of challenge to take me to just the right level of discomfort and therefore the most powerful breakthroughs!

    In our time together we covered so much ground, so if you are ever worried about value for money, please don't let that stop you from starting coaching! In just six weeks we explored so many topics, some were very immediate, addressing challenges I was experiencing that
    week and some were core topics including values and leadership styles.

    I highly recommend Rachel. My time with her was inspiring, energising and super helpful. She will definitely be my first phone call next time I want coaching!

    - VI (Head of Business Development)

    I was new to coaching and was curious about the process and what I would learn from it. I found my sessions with Rachel very helpful on a number of levels:

    • Having and making the space to talk about work related issues with someone outside my organisation in confidence was really useful, as I don't have a network of peers beyond the community I work in, and I don't often talk about work in depth with my partner and family, I found it valuable to have the 'luxury' of this time to reflect.
    • The coaching reinforced to me, how happy I am in my role and how rewarding I find my work, as I plan to retire in the next 5-7 years, I feel a sense of satisfaction that I have reached this point in my working life with no regrets, which until this coaching I had never thought about; although we did not talk about it, the coaching has started me thinking about how I want to spend my retirement.
    • I found Rachel's approach supportive and encouraging, she was skilled at challenging me to identify the tangible steps I needed to take to resolve the issues I raised, so rather than just talk about issues, we explored the practicalities of sorting them out; there was one particular issue that had me quite emotionally exercised, talking it through with Rachel helped me to put the issues in perspective, take control of the situation and move forward positively.

    My first experience of coaching with Rachel, was very positive and I would definitely have it again in the future to guide my retirement or help me think through how to approach a difficult situation."

    - FS (CEO)

  • The Research.

    A sample of current evidence.

    Organisational and leadership benefits...

    Mcgovern, et al., 2001. Maximizing the impact of executive coaching : behavioral change, organizational outcomes and return on investment. The Manchester Review, 6(1), pp.1–9. 100 executives from 56 organisations partook in 6-12 months coaching programs. Business improvements identified as both tangible (productivity, quality, organisational strength and customer service) and intangible (improved relationships with direct reports, peers and stakeholders, as well as improved teamwork, increased job satisfaction and reduced conflict). Reporting on return on investment, improvements were seen to employee retention, productivity, increased responsiveness of staff, improved relationships leading to better performance, and 75% (participants and stakeholders) indicated that the value of coaching was considerably or far greater than the money and time invested.

    Passarelli., 2015. Vision-based coaching: Optimizing resources for leader development. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(MAR), pp.1–14. This was a review of the evidence of executive coaching to date concluding that so far it showed increased leader self-efficacy, increased satisfaction and commitment, fosters stronger relationships and personal development, and facilitates work family integration. "Activation of a positive psychophysiological state that optimizes affective, cognitive, and neurobiological functioning for development. These resources fuel ongoing developmental efforts that endure the test of time, benefiting both the leaders being coached and their organizations."

    Theeboom, Beersma, and van Vianen., 2014. Does coaching work? A meta-analysis on the effects of coaching on individual level outcomes in an organizational context. Journal of Positive Psychology, [online] 9(1), pp.1–18. This was a meta-analysis of 18 other studies. They reported that the results indicate that coaching interventions have significant positive effects on all outcome categories: performance and skills , well-being, coping, work attitudes, and goal-directed self-regulation.

    Goal setting and life quality benefits...

    Clark, et al., 2014. The effectiveness of wellness coaching for improving quality of life. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, [online] 89(11), pp.1537–1544. 100 employees received at least 9 sessions of coaching in a 12 week period. Significant improvement reported to overall mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, quality of life, perceived stress and mental stress management.

    Clark, et al., 2016. Improvements in Health Behaviors, Eating Self-Efficacy, and Goal-Setting Skills Following Participation in Wellness Coaching. American Journal of Health Promotion, 30(6), pp.458–464. Self reported results by the 100 participants after 12 weeks of coaching once a week, were health behaviours such as increased levels of physical activity and better nutritional habits, alongside improved confidence in both and in stress management leading to decreased stress levels and overall improvement in well-being, quality of live and overall health.

    Grant., 2003. The impact of life coaching on goal attainment, metacognition and mental health. Social Behavior and Personality, 31(3), pp.253–264. 20 participants each undertook 10 sessions of 50 minutes coaching a week. Thereafter reported significantly reduced levels of depression, anxiety and stress, alongside enhanced quality of life.

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    The first consultation is free so please feel free to book yourself in by clicking above.

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     Alternatively, click on the envelope to send me an email. Tell me a little about what you want. I will respond via email or if you request a call please provide your number and best contact times, and I can give you a call as soon as I become free within those.

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